The pensions industry has seen a number of changes over the years, from A Day to the more recent Pensions Freedoms. The first duty of any scheme administrator is to ensure that the interests of the scheme members and trustees are protected and to ensure that this is done within the confines of HMRC rules.
If the scheme is not administered in line with HMRC rules, the scheme trustees and members are potentially liable to tax charges; this cannot be acting in the best interests of the trustees. Cutting corners and finding loopholes does not represent a sensible approach to scheme administration.
Brunel Trustees and our professional trustee company, Brunel Trustees Limited, believe in this fundamental principal, that’s why our clients remain with us for as long as they do.
Our clients are not numbers or references. They are people, our people and it is our duty to look after their SSAS with a pragmatic and conscientious approach.